The safety of our clients and staff is a vital part of our core values, for this reason, we have implemented the necessary changes and recommendations by OSHA and the CDC across all of our companies.

OSHA Guidelines for COVID19

As of May 6, 2020

  • Updated strategies and recommendations for employers responding to COVID-19, including those seeking to resume normal or phased business operations:

    • Conducting daily health checks

    • Conducting a hazard assessment of the workplace

    • Encouraging employees to wear cloth face coverings in the workplace, if appropriate

    • Implementing policies and practices for social distancing in the workplace

    • Improving the building ventilation system

Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, (e.g., counters, shelving, displays)

  • Provide employees with disposable disinfectant wipes, cleaner, or sprays that are effective against the virus that causes COVID-19


Provide employees with training on:

  • Policies to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2

  • General hygiene

  • Symptoms, what to do if sick

  • Cleaning and disinfection

  • Masks

  • Social distancing

  • Use of PPE

  • Safe work practices

  • Stress management

Management and Communications

  • Monitor state and local public health communications about COVID-19

  • Encourage sick workers to report symptoms, stay home, and follow CDC guidance

  • Develop strategies to:

    • manage worker concerns

    • communicate with workers

  • Remind workers of available support services

  • Communicate to partners, suppliers, other contractors on policies and practices

  • Encourage social distancing and the use of masks (if appropriate) in the workplace

  • Use technology to promote social distancing (e.g., telework and virtual meetings)

  • Cancel group events

  • Close/limit use of shared spaces

  • Ask customers who are ill to stay home

  • Consider policies that encourage flexible sick leave and alternative work schedules.

  • Schedule stocking during off-peak hours

  • Maintain a tobacco-free workplace

Facilities and Equipment

  • Assess job hazards for feasibility of engineering controls

  • Ensure ventilation and water systems operate properly

  • Alter workspaces to maintain social distancing. Examples include:

    • Configure partitions as a barrier shield

    • Move electronic payment reader away from cashier

    • Use verbal announcements, signage, and visual cues to promote social distancing

    • Remove/rearrange furniture

    • Provide remote shopping alternatives (e.g., delivery, pick-up)


  • Conduct workplace hazard assessment

  • Determine what PPE is needed for workers’ specific job duties based on hazards and other controls present

  • Select and provide appropriate PPE to the workers at no cost
Call us at +1.786.278.9773 for additional questions.
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